I spent the first weekend of 2012 back in the hospital for tests, all seems okay for now. My slacks have been slipping off my waist a bit, looking a little droopy. (One of the first signs of weight loss for me is that my pantlegs suddenly get longer when my behind is not taking up as much room. Since I'm already short, this leads to me walking on the edges of my pants. Not fun.) Anyway, I thought I might have lost enough to try on some old pants, and so tonight after seeing Trainerman Alec for my workout, I came home, showered, and broke out The Pants The Preceded My Current Behind. (Also known as The Size Before, Minor Goal Pants, and The Pants of Hopeful Thinking.) Slacks one size down are just a little snug in the middle, but jeans one size down fit nicely. Hooray!
Four pairs of jeans have been resurrected from the Drawer Of No Return, and I've decided to have Trainerman Alec level up to Necromance Trainerman for bringing the pants back from the dead. I'm still a large lady, but things are moving in the right direction, and that makes me terribly happy. It also helps fuel me to stay on track in terms of hitting the gym, eating properly, and resting well.
Now, hashtag practice:
Do your booty fill your jeans? #mybootydo
Do your booty bounce? #mybootydo
Do your booty shrink? I can happily say, #mybootydo
Well-done, gorgeous. :)