In any case, Long-suffering Trainerman Alec weighed me this Thursday during our session to see how things are going. The scale (and my pants) say that to date I've lost about 15 pounds. I don't see much of that happening in my face or my waist, and for that I blame the steroids. But seeing the difference in my strength, my stamina in terms of the repetitions I can do and the weight I can work with, and watching my pants get longer because there is less booty to inflate them makes me feel very, very good. I am making good choices more often than not (though I'm probably only a B student, since I still occasionally indulge), and that is a major improvement.
And so, back to Paleo, back to the gym. The funny thing is, the more I eat well in terms of more salads and lean meats and fewer fast food/junk/carbload meals, the more the food I crave is of the good-for-me sort.